кассета с записью звуков обывательского быта

Byt cannot be adequately translated, it's something like everyday household routine, but in my experience this concept is filled with horror. This album, from the times of my life in Sharapov’s kitchen, can be treated as both Home and Field recording. The same digital dictophone without digital output is used, with the full awfulness of its sound that can be appreciated here. R.A.Pavlov is performing here Home Duties like washing Dishes and Cloathes. It must be noted though, that there’s no principal difference between the two. Due to dictophone distortions, a vigirous, powerful and convincing noise came out, maybe a bit denser on the side B (washing?). (Clothes were washed manually at the time, at least I have myself mastered the washing machine late enough. Please refer to the upcoming second part of the project, on 2 tapes.) Eco-activists will blame this album for excessive expense of water, flowing continuously during the whole 25 minutes length.

The name was borrowed from a track by R!D!V!, yet to be released at the time. The print run is not limited as enough covers have been printed with xerox, but I’m already tired of it: there’s still no less byt in the life, unfortunately, however many copies were there.